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SKRAP (or "Scrach" as one would say in proper english) started over six years ago, when Anja Lauvdal and Heida Johannesdottir Mobeck involuntarily got locked inside a small room together, trapped in between two bass-amps which where facing each other.

With a tuba on electronic steroids and keyboard, alá Korg MS10, the temptation became superior, and the girls started experimenting with things they never tried before…

The sound-waves hit each other hard, and made interactions between the sound-sourses and the musicians, making the beginning of SKRAP. Musicly inspired by bands like

Sunn O))) and Streifenjunko.

Reviews of "K. O.":

"amen, sind innerhalb dieser Szenerie rar gesät, weshalb ein Exotenbonus vertretbar wäre, aber  ANJA LAUVDAL & HEIDA KARINE JOHANNESDOTTIR MOBECK hinter SKARP benötigen für ihre Leistung keine Sonderzuwendung, den “K.O.” überzeugt auf ganzer Länge(?) durch brillante Variabilität, Abstraktheit & Intensität – meine absolute Empfehlung!"

- Rap, Kulturterrorismus



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